VITAX YELLOW SULPHUR 225G Sulphur is an essential secondary nutrient for all plants. A vital component of many amino acids, it plays a crucial role in efficient protein production. Yellow Sulphur serves as both a plant nutrient and soil acidifier, contributing to the growth of robust, healthy flowers, fruits, vines, and vegetables. Yellow Sulphur offers several benefits, including: Preventing yellowing of leaves Reducing susceptibility to powdery mildew and black spot Acting as a soil conditioner for acid-loving plants. Due to increased pollution control, sulphur deposition has decreased, necessitating additional sulphur to maintain the health of plants and soils. Sulphur deficiency manifests as yellowing between the veins and around the margins of the youngest leaves, thereby reducing a plant's resistance to various diseases. Often used for sealing cut tubers Yellow Sulphur can be employed to counter the effects of hard water when cultivating plants in tubs or planters.

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